of contact with other transversal informatioF from the cleanliness of its graphics to the easy separate management of conversations. Better Productivity: Calendar For the productivity of each work team, the possibility offered by GMail of being able to schedule appointments, share your calendar to find a free time slot, or send invitations to meetings and conferences with the possibility of communicating in real time also becomes very useful. acceptance. meetings gmail hubspot integration But integrating contact data is perhaps the operation that is most useful to those involved in Sales and Customer Service.
This function allows you to India Telegram Number Data see directly from the email you just received who you are talking to, which orders the customer has previously placed , how much you have been willing to trust the service in the past, and much more information. However, to be able to manage this type of integration you need to precisely connect GMail to your CRM , in this case to the powerful HubSpot tool. Gmail hubspot integration customer story Real time saving The main advantage compared to using "simple" GMail is understandable: imagine how much time you could save if you could have an eye on the entire customer history for every email received and every follow up .
Imagine setting up automations, such as automatic mailings, monitoring performance, receiving an alert whenever it is necessary to update the customer on any topic or request of interest to them. Waste of time in "passing" information from the CRM to emails is thus cut to the root. 2. Main problems of poor integration To understand the main problems of a poorly performed, or poorly performed, integration, let's consider all the functions of an integration between HubSpot and GMail and then imagine that they suffer a synchronization error or a temporary block. So, imagine interactions with customers in real time.