Have you thought about the ball of reactions generated by the customer's poor perception of your business? The bad feeling doesn't end when you give up on your purchase, I wish it did. The worst comes when complaints about comments , negative reviews and bad word-of-mouth publicity go viral, and we know that this can destroy your company in less time than you think . But don't worry! If anything is better than recovering your image, it is never damaging it. Therefore, we have mapped the actions that you should apply on WhatsApp to earn the best opinion from your buyers and how to apply them properly.
Evaluate your customers' perception employee tries to get a good perception of the customer If you have to start with something, it has to be this. Measuring customer perception will help you know how good or bad they feel about your business and why. Otherwise, the strategies you develop will be blind and you will waste resources CU Leads trying to solve a problem you don't know about. To carry out this measurement, you only need to collect information and analyze certain data, which you can obtain by speaking directly with them or gathering the comments that your clients leave on social networks, which are gold when it comes to obtaining honest feedback about what they think. of you.

Even doing this, it is important that you observe the traffic that your website or WhatsApp receives, if these channels are not receiving many customers or if they leave very quickly without generating sales. Another, slightly more elaborate way to obtain information about customer perception is to generate satisfaction surveys (as specific as possible) after each purchase or consultation. Our recommendation? Conduct surveys using the CSAT metrics, which divide satisfaction into Extremely satisfied. Satisfied. Somewhat satisfied. Dissatisfied. Somewhat dissatisfied. Extremely dissatisfied.