Lucy is 19 years old. She works at the Build-a-Bear Workshop in her local mall. Long hours at pay that, by her estimation, falls into the “non-competitive” category.Most of the time, she is price-conscious. She buys from the cheap grocery store. Has deleted the Amazon app from her phone. Having it there has led to far too many impulse purchases.
And she’s the only teenager she knows with a Target Red Card. You can’t uae dataset beat 5% back.Lucy’s one indulgence is her phone. Still, with limited capital, she knows she needs to shop smart.When it is time for an upgrade, she does her due diligence. Compares brands. Reads reviews. Contemplates the pros and cons of shopping for a later model over the newest units.
Finally, she arrives at the Apple Store, fully confident in her decision.From Lucy, a marketer might learn:The value of content. She did a lot of research. Who put the information she found out there? What does it take to become a trusted source of information for consumers? How can brands use content creation and search engine optimization to generate leads?The power of differentiation.