The government website and the media write that this is one of the largest medical data leaks in the history of Poland. Hackers from the ra world ransomware group published the results of over thousands of laboratory tests and patients' personal data, such as: name and surname, PESEL number, date of birth, place of residence.At this link on the government website you can check whether your data has been made available online/bezpiecznedane.Gov.Pl/sprawdz-email. Login page view to check if your alab data has been leaked Important: check your data regularly.
The database is being updated and the criminals who stole the data are threatening to make it public if they do not receive a ransom. The website trustatrzeciastrona.Pl warns that in previous attacks, when requests were not met, hackers actually published the stolen data. It's worth Mobile App Development Service knowing: also check your e-mail and logins with which you log in to various accounts. This is the aftermath of the events of May this year, when millions of logins and passwords related to Polish online services were leaked. What should I do if my data was leaked online? Take advantage of the option to block your PESEL number. You can do it in two ways: via the website mobywatel.Gov.Pl at the commune office.
If you reserve your PESEL number, you will minimize the risk that someone will use it to take out a loan or credit using your details. The fact that BIK (credit information office) sends messages to its clients about an overloaded hotline due to questions related to data leaks shows how many people took the threat really seriously. Please note that the blocking will be effective from June this year, but it is worth doing it now because hackers may use this data in the following years. Vigilance And once again, be vigilant, make sure that e-mails, text messages and phone calls are definitely from people, companies or institutions claiming to be the sender.