Economical distribution channel. When finalizing the distribution channel, the services provided by intermediaries must be taken into account. It can be noted that the manufacturer chooses an expensive marketing intermediary to ensure various marketing services that others do not provide. (b) Availability of required intermediaries Sometimes desired intermediaries may not be available to distribute the goods. They may be busy dealing with competitive products. Under such circumstances, the manufacturer has to make his own arrangements by opening his branches to distribute the goods to the consumers. (c) Inappropriate marketing policies of brokers Brokers may not welcome the manufacturer's marketing policies.
For example, some wholesalers or retailers want to act as sole selling agents for a product in a particular area. (d) Services provided by brokers The manufacturer should choose intermediaries who provide various phone number database marketing services such as warehousing, credit, packaging, etc. At the same time, brokers must ensure diverse services to clients. (e) Ensuring a greater volume of sales The manufacturer wants to appoint intermediaries who guarantee greater sales volume in the long term. (f) Reputation and financial soundness When appointing a broker, the company must take into account the financial stability and reputation of the broker. A financially sound intermediary can offer credit facilities to customers and prompt payment to the manufacturer.
What are the most important functions of Marketing Channels? Initially, marketing channels focus on the availability of products or services to potential customers. Intermediaries are people or organizations that act as a bridge between the manufacturer and the customer. Below is a complete explanation of the most important functions of marketing channels: 1- Sorting First and foremost, intermediaries buy goods from different manufacturers and rank products that are similar in quality, features, and size. 2- Accumulation Marketing channels make sure that there is regular supply and circulation of goods in the market and because intermediaries are involved in the process, they are responsible for maintaining the required stock in sufficient quantities.