Thermal insulation (image below).We present a collection of homes that, either due to their shape, their functionality or a certain eccentricity, have managed to become great architectural icons. Bordering on pure tourist attraction and usually with controversies involved, these genuine homes manage to attract the attention of not only their inhabitants. Index [ Show ] Formalist houses Although there are numerous examples, especially in the second half of the 20th century in the United States , of homes whose shape is reminiscent of everyday objects, these two genuine residential buildings have managed to be especially known and visited. Normally these buildings once served as advertising claims: formalist homes (left) Haines Shoe house, in Hallam (USA). Photo: hainesshoehouse.com . (right) The basket building, in Newark (USA). Photo: atlasobscura.com Homes that defy geometry You can't go through Rotterdam without visiting the Cube Houses or Kubuswoning. Built in 1984 and declared a tourist attraction in 2009, these genuine homes consist of a conventional cube rotated 45º , thus causing the floors, walls and ceilings to be inclined. cube houses Cube houses in Rotterdam (Holland) white towers We don't have to go far to visit genuine homes either. White Towers was once the subject of controversy due to the fact that it did not have even one straight wall , which made choosing furniture quite difficult. white towers Torres Blancas residential building, in Madrid Moving or mobile houses The KWK Promes architectural firm knows perfectly how architecture in motion works . A clear example is the Quadrant house, in Poland: quadrant house Quadrant house, with its movable porch.
Photos: KWK Promes Integrated with nature What these types of homes aim to do is blend in with nature, whether in the middle of the desert or in the urban center. These homes make the most of the environmental conditions, which really shape the formal Phone Number List architectural solution. We want to highlight the work in general of the designer F. Hundertwasser , who believed that "the straight line is carried by the devil." villa in the desert Villa in the Joshua Tree desert (USA) forest spiral Waldspirale building, in Darmstadt (Germany). The cover is a forest. Photos: hundertwasser.com Change of use The avant-garde and freedom of architectural design has its definitive high point in the transformation of buildings from other uses into homes. Architects have a special desire to achieve "the impossible." These buildings demonstrate that form is not at odds with function in these times. Living in water tanks How to convert an abandoned water tank from 1931 into an avant-garde home? In Holland we are seeing more and more cases like this. water tower Water tower converted into a home , in Soest (Holland). Photo: Paul van Galen & Zecc Architecten A converted church converted church Church-residence in Utrecht (Holland). Photos: Zecc Architecten Habitable barns The larger granaries and paneras can also be rehabilitated and inhabited.

This new use is not very common but it is quite curious, especially to see how the use of traditional materials has been respected. housing granary Hórreo transformed into a home in Asturias. The tallest and largest house in the world This post could not miss the homes classified as the largest and tallest at this time. Pay attention to what's next! The Central Park Tower in New York is crowned the tallest residential building in the world, at more than 470 meters high. Would you dare to spend a few days on its 98th floor? central park tower Foto: Extell Development Company The largest house in the world is located in Bombay (India) and boasts of being even larger than the Palace of Versailles. The Antilia house has 37,000 square meters spread over 27 floors (!!!).Maybe in Spain we are too used to living with little space, especially if we live in a big city. But in countries where the size of the surface is more a given when it comes to owning a home, for example, the United States, there is a whole movement of homeowners with a philosophy of simple living in tight spaces. Tiny houses revolutionize the way of living. Index [ Show ] The “Tiny Houses” movement Just as Mies van der Rohe once coined the phrase “Less is More”, the Tiny movement advocates the philosophy of “small space is bigger”. These owners basically recover the spirit of the snail as a philosophy of life and challenge not only the use of spaces, but also the city councils. As they are portable homes, let's say that they do not need to have an associated.