Below you will find all the links that Ahrefs may store depending on the circumstances. Link inserted with JavaScript Because Google renders every page, it can count links that were inserted with JavaScript but not included in the HTML code. Large-scale rendering requires far more resources than downloading the page's HTML. Ahrefs renders approximately 80 million pages per day. Therefore, some, but not all, of these links are injected by JavaScript. It's currently the only SEO tool that does the rendering during regular crawls of the web, so it has some link data that other tools don't have. However, links inserted with JavaScript are only counted if they are in the form of an HTML <a>
element with an href attribute. In the backlink report, these links will appear tagged as "JS", as shown below. Links from pages with URL Australia Phone Number Data parameters URL parameters are added to the URL like ?tag=something (*). Some of these URLs may appear in the index, but they are usually parameters that display different content. Pages that include parameters often display the same content. Ahrefs has many systems in place to consolidate URLs into canonical versions and provide additional protection against infinite crawl paths. Other tools may not make the same decisions or provide the same protections. As a result, you may end up counting essentially the same links over and over again. *Full Speed Note: Click here for the Japanese translated articles
" URL Parameters: A Complete Guide for SEO " and " Canonical Tags: An Easy Guide for Beginners . " Links that Ahrefs prevents from saving We do our best to not store the links below in the Ahrefs index. Links from pages with URL parameters As mentioned above, there are good and bad types of parameters. I try not to save duplicates. Links from pages within an infinite crawl path These paths create an almost infinite number of possible URLs. Parameters are a formative method, but so are filters, dynamic content, and broken relative paths for links. As mentioned earlier, there are many protections in place for links on these types of pages, reducing the likelihood that the links will appear in reports.