Some of the objectives of your publication may be: earn first place on Google for a keyword ; teach the solution to a process; evacuate a doubt; convert visitors into leads or MQLs; position yourself as an authority; share an experience or idea; entertain the reader. Your post will likely have one of these objectives, more than one at a time, or a variety of them, but be careful: remember to keep the objective of your blog post as simplified as possible . A simple and clear idea will give you the right direction to produce the best possible content.
In the case of this post, for example, the main objective is to teach you how to Croatia Phone Number List produce a quality blogpost, but we also want to convert visitors into contacts and leads. Note: we do not recommend transmitting this information to readers by telling them an objective like this, but in this case we made an exception because it is pedagogically useful for those who want to learn how to produce blogposts that convert . Who is the publication for? Just as important as knowing that the ultimate goal of your publication is to understand who you want to impact on the other side of the screen .

But that's not a job you should do on every post. Understanding who your readers are is part of developing your buyer persona and is one of the most important steps in your entire content strategy. lis a semi-fictional profile that represents the ideal audience for a company's communication. Its function is to help you better understand who the reader is and what they need. Each publication must have at least one buyer persona as a clearly defined destination. They will tell you the main habits and values of who you want as a customer, as well as various demographic information. Its creation involves a lot of research, but once created, it will play a key role in every step of your strategy . What is the topic of the post? The topic is what your content is going to talk about.