Google does not penalize you. Continue reading so you better understand how to use them correctly! Types of anchor text In order not to always use the same keyword in the anchor text, it is interesting that you use different variations. This way, you not only prevent the algorithm from interpreting that you are spamming, but you also offer more resources for Google to understand your page. There are various types of anchor text that can be used. Below we will talk about some of them! exact match Ex: Discover everything about SEO It's the exact use of the keyword you want to rank well for, which tells Google exactly what the landing page is about.
In the example above, we want to position it for the SEO term, so only Phone Number List it is used as anchor text. The only observation is that we cannot overuse the exact term. When a page receives many exact matching links, that can raise a search engine alert about a possible manipulation attempt . Partial correspondence Ex: Know everything about SEO techniques To avoid using exact matching only, you can use partial matching. In this case, the anchor text includes the keyword along with other terms that also inform the subject of the page to Google.

In this way, the link turns out to be more natural. long tail Ex.: Know everything about optimization techniques for search engines (SEO) This is also a type of partial correspondence. The difference is that the anchor text is longer with the use of other terms. In this way, the landing page is strengthened in positioning for more specific searches . Imagine someone searches Google for the terms in this example. They are much more specific than just "SEO" and, therefore, there is also less competition.