POSTED ON BY WACHIRA THONGSUK Social Commerce In the midst of online trade that is bustling and continuously evolving today. Over the past few years, there has been a major shift in the online retail industry, transforming the way people shop with the combination of social media and e-commerce, called Social Commerce. Offering a unique shopping experience to modern consumers. Imagine scrolling through Instagram to find what you want. You can complete the entire purchase within the app without having to go to the product landing page . With this easy purchase process, consumers are more likely to complete their purchase.
So social commerce may be the key to success in modern comm Singapore WhatsApp Number erce for brands. Should not be overlooked Today we are going to dive deeper into the meaning of social commerce. and recommend ways to create strategies that your brand can use to maximum benefit. list of contents What is Social Commerce? How does Social Commerce work? Benefits of Social Commerce How to create a Social Commerce strategy summarize WHAT IS SOCIAL COMMERCE? What is Social Commerce? Understand what is Social Commerce? using various social media platforms. It is used to sell products or services directly to consumers.

This is different from traditional ecommerce platforms. By integrating the entire shopping experience within social media like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and more, users can browse, select, and buy products without leaving their favorite platforms. Today, the world of social commerce is quite prosperous and promising. Social media platforms have integrated e-commerce features. It gives businesses the tools to create an engaging shopping experience. Live streaming augmented reality And chatbots have improved the social commerce landscape even further. This makes it more interactive and personal than ever before. social commerce It is growing rapidly through the use of social networks and digital media to facilitate transactions between businesses and customers.