According to the definition, a brand community is a group characterized by homogeneity of consciousness of its members, similar perception of reality and participation in common rituals related to the brand. This group has its own specific identity and undertakes collective actions. As you can see, the issue of activity comes to the fore so what is needed for it to exist at all? According to the theory, community members who perceive an opportunity to actively use the brand will take action to achieve their own goals if not, convincing them to take an interest in the brand will be virtually impossible. Simply put, your brand must have something to offer the community a purpose that makes it worthwhile to be a member.
It's also helpful to contextualize your community so that your audience can easily assign Europe Cell Phone Number List it to one area of their life. in turn, is influenced by identification with the brand, as well as trust in the brand, which strengthens customer loyalty, involvement in joint creation and the effectiveness of word of mouth marketing. In other words, you should not equate the profiles fans with the brands community or even between the brands community and its customers, Ferrari fans. Does your brand need a community? Can every brand benefit from having its own social media community? I think so.

How do you know where your marks are and how they are achievable? The answer suggests itself. A brand community is a valuable resource, but acquiring it takes time, money and knowledge. To better understand the difficulties involved, let's look at the numbers. Take a look at the statistics from the Sprout Social report. Only one third of users declare that they follow brands on social media in order to engage in communication and integration with them or other people. It must also be remembered that the rest also include lurkers. Now let's compare it with Socialinsider's data on Facebook engagement in specific industries. As you can see, it's not all rosy, even if it's potentially attractive from a marketing point of view, industries such as fashion often have to make a lot of effort to gain engagement in social media, and this is just one element of creating a brand community.