Each company specializes in different fields? If the field that the company specializes in matches the content you want to request, the quality of your site will be high. In the opposite case, you may not get the results you expected. In this article, we will explain what types of website production companies there are and how to choose one based on them. Main types of website production companies Even though we say "website production," it depends on the client what purpose they want to create the website for.
You may want to use the site to attract customers and expand your business, or you may want to create a new brand image. As the purposes of site production are diverse, there are many different types of production companies, ranging from companies that Special Data can comprehensively handle most aspects of site production to production companies that specialize in a certain field. Here we will explain what types of website production companies there are. Type 1. Production company that provides total support for website production If the company is large, one company may be able to cover most of the design and technology related to the site. This is a recommended production company if you want to build a large-scale site or if you want to ensure stable operation after the site is built, but the fees tend to be higher accordingly.

Type 2. Production company specializing in website design In recent years, more and more sites are using specifications such as WebGL to incorporate design elements that operate large on the screen. * Specifications for displaying 3DCG and animation on the browser without using WebGL plugins etc. Since new technology is likely to be used for such elements, production companies that specialize in design-related technical capabilities are often asked to do so. One of the characteristics of this design is that the technical ability to realize the requested content is greatly reflected in the design, so if you are particular about the design, we recommend that you hire a specialized production company.