A practical guide and free tools Content Gap Analysis what should you know? Why shouldn't you publish content without first selecting keywords? How to avoid Content Gap? SEO specialists can help a lot with this. They will deal with among others: detailed data analysis competition assessment or website audit. They will also suggest phrases that are worth adding to your website's content . Sometimes the changes will involve rewording existing entries. In some cases it will be necessary to create new publications.
Quote: content gap is creating content without taking into account SEO principlesWhy is Content Gap analysis so important? Failure to use important keyword phrases results in: less traffic on the website shorter session duration higher Hit Post bounce rate low conversion rate less sales. How to analyze Content Gap? How to check whether the content on the website has gaps? There are several solutions to detect Content gap. Here are some of them: SERP Search Engine Results Page SERP is a website that displays search results after entering a specific phrase. It is a unique source of information.
You can find out what Internet domains appear for a given keyword. Additionally it is worth using Google suggestions thanks to which you can easily find out popular phrases entered into the search engine by users. Google Analytics The tool provides data on phrases encouraging Internet users to enter the website. You will also learn what materials and topics are of particular interest to your recipients perhaps some issues should be expanded with new information or created articles related to them. Google Ads Keyword Planner Thanks to it you can check which phrases entered into the Google search engine have great potential. In the list of keywords related to a given topic or brand you will see popular and frequently searched .