For this reason, email is the digital marketing channel that presents the best financial return , you do not need to invest a lot initially and you have the possibility of generating a large volume of income. The role of email marketing in your marketing strategy Although email marketing is frequently linked to a promotional and commercial approach, it goes far beyond this strategy. When someone gives a company permission to send emails directly to their inbox, this person is giving you access to a part of their personal life, as well as an opening for conversation.
After all, our email is what we use not only to receive messages from HT Lists companies we like, but also to interact with friends, family, and coworkers. Therefore, in a marketing strategy, email is the channel that allows you to communicate in a more personal way with your potential customers. And that can bring incredible results! Take a look at how email marketing fits into your digital marketing strategy. Engage leads When a person chooses to receive emails from your company, they expect you to have contact with them from time to time. This may seem obvious, but many companies forget to maintain an ongoing relationship with their email contact base.

Therefore, email marketing can be used in your marketing strategy to hook your leads . This can make your leads always remember you, increasing the chances of them becoming customers. Promote your content If you have a blog, you know that promoting the content you produce is essential to the success of your strategy. There are several channels you can use to promote your content , and email is one of them! Sending a newsletter, for example, can help your blog posts get more access, and thus increase your visibility on the Internet. Nurture and educate your leads Lead nurturing is one of the most important strategies in Inbound Marketing.