You for submitting the form appears my idea is to set a label that starts a timer for seconds. Once completed another tab will be launched to check if a green inscription thanking the user appears on the screen in which case a second tab will be launched and information about the event will be sent to . If not it will not run which means that no such inscription appears on the page at all or the red inscription in the first point appears.
The question is how to do it. We start from the top. We create a label that starts the timer of type Custom . In this case the trigger comes from clicking the Send button and after clicking the button we want to check if the text has appeared. What would Job Function Email List trigger such a timer is the following tagOf course all the code contained in the black box should be copied into your own custom markup . Logic puzzle labels submitted as form Values for the first three variables.
They are commented out in the code to avoid confusion Feel free to change them and see how they work. The first value is the name of the event generated when the timer expires. This is important so I wouldn't recommend changing it too casually. The second value is the timer length in milliseconds. One millisecond is seconds so just divide this number by thousands and we get the duration of the timer in seconds. Of course it is optional and may cause panic.