Such as the already mentioned Viva Magenta 18-1750. About 70% of them can be reproduced in the CMYK space (def. color space used in printing. CMYK is an abbreviation of the four basic colors Black. All colors from the palette CMYK come by combining them). The key is that sample values are absolute and reproducible every time. Thanks to this, the designer, by providing the manufacturer with the code from the Pantone catalog.
Sure that the color of the product will 100% match the color in the design. It is worth using PMS holistically, when creating visual identification , providing the client with company colors in the RGB, CMYK and Pantone space. The catalog C Level Contact List itself also includes special colors (metallic, fluorescent). Samples can be purchased in a physical, characteristic form - samples in correlating colors, printed on paper, folded into a fan.

Pantone swatches are not limited to just graphics. Dedicated textile patterns are also available. The system is so common and recognizable that many large organizations and even countries describe the colors of their visual identifications using Pantone codes. Is it worth it? As usual, it depends. The prices of Pantone printed samples are astronomical. Additionally, the company recommends replacing them every 12-18 months.