YouTube and what content we look for there. For example, as many as of users in Germany used YouTube to find a new hobby. Globally, as many as of users were looking for materials related to learning how to perform certain activities and acquiring new skills. Very large increases in interest were also recorded in videos about doing fitness exercises at home . In March alone,
At the beginning of the pandemic, this increase was as much as . of reaching a growing Japan Phone Numbers 75 Million List audience of such films using video advertisements e.g. an advertisement for a musical instrument store displayed during videos about learning to play the guitar, an advertisement for fitness equipment for videos with exercises to be performed at home, and on the other allows companies to increase brand awareness by reaching users with various tutorials that respond to their needs. Very interesting observations also apply to the BB segment. It might seem that YouTube is not the best marketing platform for this market. However, research shows that as many as . of people responsible for decisions in companies use.
YouTube to search for purchases and contractors. Interestingly, this is a better result than Facebook . and even LinkedIn . This means that it is on a website presenting video materials that you can reach the largest group of decisionmakers in companies with your marketing message. How does ad viewing translate into sales? According to Google data , as many as of viewers bought a product of a given brand after seeing it first on YouTube .